Title: A Debate as Eternal as Love
Author: starduchess
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Warnings: none
A/N: Written for
dmhgchallenge August 2016 prompt: duel. I won both Third Place and Mod's Choice. :)
"Draco, you cad, stop it!"
"Merlin, can't a man get any sleep around here?"
"No, especially when said man does this to me every single night!"
"Does what? What's got your knickers in a twist this time? Although, if you were to take those off, we could have some fun."
"Keep your hands to yourself. And just for that, I'm drawing my wand."
"Put that thing away before you hex my balls off!"
"I'd be more worried about getting blue balls, if I were you, if you don't give me back my blankets!"
Draco sulked, missing the extra warmth.