Title: Practicals
Author: starduchess
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Warnings: fornicating images, stupid humour
A/N: written for
dmhgchallenge April 2012 prompt: practical joke. "Practicals" are hands-on lab work.
“Alright, which one of you did it?” Hermione was glaring around the Great Hall, brandishing her copy of Hogwarts: a History.
Her fellow students snickered, trying not to laugh at the fornicating House animals on the front cover, but none came forward.
Finally noting Draco’s smug look, she demanded, “Change it back!”
“Eventually. In the meantime, that snake’s very well hung; you could learn something by watching, or you could come to me for practicals.” His eyebrow twitched suggestively.
They all laughed when he clutched his crotch after her stinging hex.
“Too bad you’ll be indisposed,” she said, flouncing off.