Three applications you have voted on:
1 ✬
2 ✬
3 To be added when there are actually applications to vote on.
☈ basic information.
Name/Nickname: Colleen
Age: 24
Hobbies/Interests: watching anime, reading manga and books, playing video games, mythology, history,languages, fashion, art, writing, music
Likes: anime, manga, video games, flowers, artbooks, mythology, history,fashion, figures, graphic making, role playing, world making, character creating, playing piano, violins, singing, music, romance, books, celtic music, tea, bubble tea, young adult fantasy, cats,incense, candels, makeup, perfume, foreign languages, fanmixes, classical music, k-pop, chocolate, cheesecake, playing video games with friends, friends, mmorpgs, personality quizzes, good fanfiction, singing, fresh pineapple, warm days, full moons, stars,strong female characters, weak characters who are really strong or become strong ,tai chi,
Dislikes: rude people, needles, hospitals, really high pitched noises, super spicy food, ruining shoes, too cold or too hot weather, nasty smells, annoying roommates, mushrooms, fish, fishing, spending too long in the great outdoors, the sun, sunburns, hipsters, celebrity worship, reality tv, rap, cavities, coffee, too bright sunlight, crime dramas, bullies, narrow minded people
Do you care about the length of the explanations?: I'm fine with long explanations! In fact, I prefer them.
Is this a restamp? If it is, who were you before and why would you like a change?: Nope! Not yet anyway.
☈ personality.
Five to ten words/phrases you’d use to describe yourself?: Stubborn, Smart, Smart Alec, Good Intentioned, Friendly, Low Maintenance, Laid Back, Curious, Friendly
1.Stubbornness - There are plenty of great words I could have glossed this over with like conviction, but ultimately it just comes down to the fact that I’m stubborn. I won’t be forced to do things by peer pressure unless they’re actually things I want to do. Which is rather at odds with my Insecurity, but I’m just strange like that I guess.
2. Open Mindedness - I don’t like to close my mind to anything. There’s a few things that I’ll not be open about (like trying new types of fish to see if I like them or that sort of thing), but for the most part I’m willing to see alternate points of view. This has played rather heavily on my political views as even if something doesn’t affect me, I’ll try and see how people feel on the issue and why they feel the way they do before I make a decision. (This goes especially for the hot button issues.)
3. Quick Thinking - I’ve always thought fairly quickly when on my feet. I thrive when it comes to working under pressure, which is why I tend to put things off until I’m getting close to deadline. (That and I’m just lazy I guess, but hey that’s another matter.)
1.Stubbornness - Yes, this is on here twice. You didn’t read it wrong. Even I can acknowledge the many pitfalls to being entirely too stubborn. I tend to be a little too pig-headed and obstinate sometimes. I’m working on fixing this but it’s not exactly an easy process.
2. Pride - This ties into the stubbornness I think. It’s often my downfall as if I’m not careful I tend to develop this mindset of “If I’m not going to be the best at it, why try?”. Admittedly thinking like this rather disgusts me which is why I’m working very hard to change this as life isn’t always about being the best or anything silly like that.
3. Short Temper - A fairly common weakness I think. Sometimes little things just build up and set me off entirely too easy. I’m also trying to work on this, but it’s quite a bit harder to fix than the pride issue sadly.
5. Insecurity - This goes back to the whole pride issue. Since I’ve somehow got this notion that I have to be the best, I often can’t help but worry about if I’m doing good enough or if there was more I could have been doing to be better.
Do you like yourself?: Most of the time. I think liking yourself is something that you have to grow into sometimes.
What do you want to accomplish in life?: That's a pretty loaded question there. I'm not really sure. I thought that was something you were just supposed to magically know once you hit 18. I've since discovered that it's not the case. I did manage to accomplish one though the "Get out on my own," Other than that I'm not really sure. I wanted to be a singer when I was younger, but that's not going to happen. Sadly I'm nowhere near good enough to be pro, so I just settle for singing around the house and karaoke sometimes. Now, I think I'd just like to find some way to help people.
How do other people see you?: I'm not other people so I can't really answer this with full confidence.
Are you…
Serious or emotional?: Emotional
Leader or follower?: Follower
Introverted or extroverted?: Extroverted
Optimistic or pessimistic?: Optimistic
Impulsive or careful?: Impulsive
Rational or imaginative?: Imaginative
☈ scenarios.
If given the choice, would you join the drama club or Kiraboshi or be a normal student - and why?: I was in the drama club in high school, so I'd definitely want to try and join the drama club there. Not to mention the people in the club seem really nice, and I'd certainly want to be one of the people who was in the know. There's nothing worse than being in the dark, right?
If you could use a Cybody, would you end up using it for personal gain or for the sake of others? (Be honest.): While I think it's not bad using one for personal gain in moderation, it's certainly a much more noble cause to help others. So ultimately I'd want to help other people more than anything else.
There’s somewhere that everyone tells you not to go!! Would you obey the rules or be a rebel?: I'm one of those people who if you tell to not look, it makes me want to look even more. I just can't help it.
If you had to choose between the lives of your family or your freedom (and freedom can be whatever you interpret it to be) - what would you choose, why, and how much difficulty would you have making that choice?: Freedom isn't worth the lives of a bunch of other people, no matter what sort of freedom it was. I couldn't live my life freely if I knew it had been paid for with blood.
☈ star driver.
Favorite character? Why?: Wako? I can't really say that I've got a favorite though, so many of the characters are likable! I really like Fish Girl too and Mizuno. I guess I've got a soft spot for the maidens?.
Least Favorite, and why?: Kanako I guess. I just haven't found much that seems that redeeming about her yet, though episode 12 did make me wonder if she's not as bad as I'd thought.
What do you like about this series?: Everything. The flamboyance of it all, the silly transformation sequences, the mecha fights, the music, the character interaction.... literally everything!
Any favorite pairings so far? Why do you like them?: Takuto/Wako/Sugata. I'm a huge fan of the threesome and have been practically from the start. My second favorite is Takashi/Simone
Least favorite? Why?: I don't think I have a least favorite. I guess the closest thing would probably be Takuto/Kanako on principle.
☈ community.
Anything wrong with the community so far? Complaints, suggestions?: A little early to say anything. Though I do think that likes and hobbies are a little redundant, but that's it.
How did you end up here?: I saw the ad.
Any last words?: Thanks for taking the time to read this! It means a lot.
IT’S A PIIIIINCH!: First? Also, it wouldn't let me add an !unstamped.