Everything sucks blog

Dec 21, 2022 07:11

People are horrible, for a long time human nature has puzzled me then I realized its a science and started reading books by Richard Dawkins. There is an essence to being human that most people dont realize, just like different dog breeds have their own personality so too do people have traits and habits tendencies fears in a nature thats predictable (we are all one race). These when left unfamiliar often take over when people are not self actualized self realized running on automatic and despots use the ignorance of the masses to their advantage. Suddenly people who were your friends for years will just change, turn on you without warning it could be for something innocuous it could be for nothing it all, it could happen without word or warning. Its been happening to me more and more Im starting to think the virus is in charge of its own pandemic response, we wernt advanced culturally enough before it hit to be able to defend ourselves. I think theres a feedback loop the more covid infects the brain the less people care making them more aggressive driving the viruses own propagation, were not in charge anymore.

Im getting off topic the more one understands human nature the more hope one has to rise above their own. People either love me or they hate me they talk to me for years then suddenly ghost me, I hate that i have that effect on people. 