What Sarah A. had to say about all this that I liked:

Jun 25, 2007 13:23

Sarah A:
"That sounded pretty... intense. Well my first reaction was like "whoa". I think there was some truth to what they said. I'm sure you probably do give off a very intense impression to people when they see you because you are so very... heh, loud. and you're like "BAM this is me" and I totally love how you are yourself and you don't worry what other people think about it and you dance how you want to and what not. But, I can see the point that that could be slightly off-putting for people who don't know you. Because... well, because they don't know you, but I feel like kind of torn. Like I don't think you should change, or tone it down completely, because

"That isn't who you are. I can see their point, but it's who you are.
Nah, you dance very well. it's just a different dance style. Your dance style is like the "free" style where you just do whatever you feel like doing. And you do it very well. I think kids who listen to like... ska or something dance like that. it's what my friend mel does. she just kind of flails her limbs around."

" I did see one flaw in their logic: Maybe you would meet more guys in clubs, if you danced different and acted differently, but I think that if you spent more time with them and get to know them, you'd be a completely different person than the one that they met because you were acting against your instincts or whatever. I think if you are going to meet anyone, it should be for your free-spirited self, not for acting all sophisticated and toned down."

Terra: :-D thanks Sarah! Well, it could be like a secret on them, first I get them to come over to me with my secret self and then I dance with them and they see me who I really am. lol. I dunno.
Sarah: haha. that isn't a bad plan
(13:10:53) stardance216: but you do think I can dance? cuz I think I can do some moves rather well, I mean sometimes I am a little dorky with my moves but I know it at least, Eric is teaching me to sway my pelvis better
Terra: lol
Sarah: I think you can dance. I love going dancing with you. It's so much fun.
Terra: Aawn. Thanks Sarah. I try.
Sarah: No problem.

Sarah A: Well I guess the jist of what I have to say about what sunny and eric said is that I'd keep it in my mind, but I don't think you should worry about it or try to start changing yourself in any drastic ways.

Terra: AWESOME. Good phew! That was what I was planning on doing sorta.

Sarah A: Yeah, it's kind of like finding that middle road, caring just enouogh so that you give a good impression.

I love Sarah! Thank you Sarah! I am who I am, damn it! And I have lots of friends who love me the way I am! YES! and that is how it should be, having friends who love you for you.
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