Apr 03, 2005 16:26
1. Name: Colette
2. Single or taken: taken at the present time..
3. Sex: GIRL
4. B'day: 2.26.85
5. Sign: Pisces
6. Hair color: Strawberry Blonde
8. Eye color: Hazel
9. Shoe size: 6 to 7 1/2
10. Height: 5'5"
1. Who are your best friends?: My sister, Tassia, Andrew,Katie,
2. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: boyfriend
1. Do you do drugs?: not at the moment
2. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Head and Shoulders.. that shit is awesome
3. What are you most scared of?: having my heart broken and not amounting to anything
4. What are you listening to right now? Chevelle.. I need to see them again
5. Who is the last person that called you?: Crazy Chris... the mother
6. Where do you want to get married?: some very old and mysterious cathedral
7. How many buddies are online right now?: around 80
1. Color: Blue or Green
2. Food: Mashed Potatoes
3. Boy's names: Ignetius
4. Girl's names: Veronica, Renee
6. Animals: love them more than humans
7. Sports: all of them.. wish I could play something different every day
*HaVe YoU eVeR?*
1. Given anyone a bath? ummm not yet.. wanting to though
2. Smoked: a puff here and there
3. Bungee jumped? i would shit my pants
4. Made yourself throw up: yesh... when it is appropriate
5. Skinny-dipped: YES!
6. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: no.. i just get very emotional sometimes.. its the women inside me
7. Pictured your crush naked: the question is do i have one? hehehe
9. Cried when someone died: of course
10. Lied: yes
11. Fallen for your best friend: not really
12. Rejected someone: almost everyday
13. Used someone: favor for favor? yes
14. Done something you regret: very much so
1.Clothes: anything no one else would have
2.Music: Rock and Roll bitches
3.Make-up: not right now.. sometimes i get in the mood to look at myself longer than i should
4.Smell: i probably do
5.Favorite artist: the Red Hot Chili Peppers
6.Favorite group: the Red Hot Chili Peppers
7.Desktop picture: peaches being painted into colorful tasty pieces of fruit
8.Book you're reading: the ones for history... i better get on that
9.DVD in player: The Astronaut's Wife... anyone want to watch it with me?
~LaSt PeRsOn~
1.You touched: Myself
2.You imed: don't remember
3.Yelled at: Myself
a r eE yOuu ???
1.Understanding: yes
2.Open-minded: very
3.Arrogant: when i play sports
4.Interesting: some would say i am just a freak of nature
5.Random: sometimes...hehehe
6.Hungry: not at the moment.. just had some NEATO!
7.Smart: i can be.. but i don't boast about it.. and many think I am not... shows who really has faith in you
8.Moody: yes.. when people don't give a damn about others
9.Hardworking: yes.. i strive for perfection
10.Organized: in a very anal way to some people
11.Healthy: at times... nothing to falling off yet.. so that is a good sign
12.Shy: not at all
13.Difficult: only when you piss me off
14.Attractive: my mom says I am a sexy bitch.. i agree
15.Bored easily: i usually start talking to myself if it comes to that
16.Messy: my hair is when i wake up
17.Responsible: do you have faith in me?
18.Obsessed: i could get there
19.Angry: i don't like to be
20.Sad: only when i am alone
21.Happy: at this time in my life... sure
22.Hyper: haha... abnormally
23.Trusting: Yes. The one thing I would never change about myself
24.Talkative: yes when I am excited
25.Legal: that depends.. hahaha
_.-WhO Do YoU wAnNa-._
1.Get really wasted with: anyone who wants to be a little coo coo
3.Look like: an Olympian
4.Talk to offline: everyone
5.Talk to online: no one
1.In the morning I am: very delirious
2.All I need is: the sun shining
3.Love is: something i thought i would never understand
4.I dream about:something very weird.. if i eat right before i go to bed
1.Coke or pepsi: Pepsi
2.Flowers or candy: i love nature
3.Tall or short: i would say short
:.:.:OpPoSiTe SeX:.:.:
1.What do you notice first: shoulders
2.Last person you slow danced with: dear god .. safety.. andrew
3.Who makes you laugh the most: furbal or brownie
4.Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: everyone i care about
5.Who do you have a crush on: andrew
6.Who has a crush on you: hoping andrew
==Do YoU eVeR==
1.Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: sometimes i wish people would just open up to me.. i think it is easier that way.
2.Wish you were a member of the opposit sex: YES.. i HATE being a girl
3.Wish you were younger: no i like it right now thanks!
4.Cry because someone said something to you: yea i get really emotional sometimes
1.Of times I have had my heart broken: hopefully only 2 times
2.Of hearts I have broken: i have no idea
4.Of people Ive Kissed: oh gosh that would take a while
5.Of continents I have lived in: explored? 2 does that count
6.Of tight friends: ummmm like 3
7.Of cd's I own: around like 80
8.Of scars on my body: too many to count
9.Of things that I regret: a few.. but not many
[[FiNaL QuEsTiOnS]]
1. Do you like filling these out: yes.. but i should not of done it when i was mad
2. How many people do you think will look at this?: probally like 10
3. Rock or Rap: Rock!
4. Boys or Girls: boys
5. Gold or silver: Silver
6. What was the last film you saw at the movies: ummm Constantine
7. Favorite cartoon/anime: Disney Stuff
8. What did you have for breakfast this morning: i didn't have breakfast
9. Who would you love being locked in a room with: johnny depp
10. Could you live without your computer: absolutely not
11. Would you color your hair: i did and now i regret it.. only once though
12. Could you ever get off the computer: yea if it was nice out
13. Habla espanol: no
14. Like watching sunrises or sunsets: yeppers
15. Do you believe in love: yes
16. Do you believe in love at first sight: kinda
17. Do you believe in forgiveness: if the person is truly sorry for what they did