Seems like this game was pretty well-received! *3* I'm glad you guys seemed to like it.
Moving right on to the next puzzle! These are simple themed crosswords that you should be able to answer even if you're unfamiliar with the series in question. yay for google :]
3. Most of Olimar's attack utilize these.
4. The accessory that Samus loses in her new form.
7. Three characters have this exact same Final Smash wtf sakurai
8. Pokemon Trainer's final smash: ______ Finish.
9. The upgraded version of the Hammer item is this color.
1. A new character who comes from the Metal Gear series.
2. The name of the enemies that you fight in Multi-Man Brawl.
3. A Nintendo DS program that was turned into a new stage.
5. This character is an enemy in the game's story mode- at first.
6. A stage that comes from Super Mario Sunshine.
* - You may copy and paste the puzzle into an image editor and fill it out manually- however, it might be easier to simply type out the answers and post them. ♥
* - The entire puzzle must be completed to qualify for the prize! You will receive three random cards and a member card stamp.
* - NEW RULE: Concerning incorrect answers! You will lose one card for each incorrect answer in your puzzle. However, you will still receive the member card stamp if you have at least half of the answers right.
* - This round ends on May 25th~
1. Chatot
3. Hoothoot
4. Arceus
6. Magnemite
8. Meowth (Though I also accepted Mewtwo, because that's also true!)
1. Castform
2. Lickitung
3. Houndoom
5. Skitty
7. Mudkip