JULIET: Hello there! ♥ I'm pleased to announce that I will be hosting the first round of this new game here at Starcrossed, Character Collection. In this game, the host will act as a temporary member of the TCG, and you will have the opportunity to help me collect the cards that I'm after. Please view the cut text for more information!
Trading with me is the same as trading with any other person; simply offer me a card for something in my trade pile, and I will respond to you soon! You may offer me more than one card, of course, but for now I will only be able to accept up to two cards per person. (This may change later on in the round if I can't seem to finish.) Aside from the card you receive in the trade, there are some additional bonuses you can win!
April 5th EDIT: Since the round has been taking some extra time, anyone who has already traded in two cards may trade in ONE additional card. ♥
+ Everyone who traded with me will receive an extra random card for each card I got from them at the end of the round.
+ If I manage to complete the deck in less than four weeks, everyone who participated will also be rewarded with a choice stamp.
+ EXTRA: If you trade me my favorite card from the deck, I'll give you an extra choice stamp right then! But you won't know which that is until you offer it~
Now, on to the collection. This round's deck, of course, is Iris~ I can't seem to stop thinking about Romeo, and the cards of him are so captivating! ♥ I would really like to collect the whole set of them. Hopefully, what I have for trade will be enough to persuade you to trade with me.
Cards for Trade
Feb. 9th
lucathia_rykatu traded in Iris11 and Iris12.
spaceworrier traded in Iris20.
lysberries traded in Iris10.
miken_chan traded in Iris14.
chikky2k5 traded in Iris08 and Iris19.
demyx traded in Iris01.
Feb. 10th
media_klepto traded in Iris03 and Iris16.
Feb. 14th
lainenyah traded in Iris13 (this was the favorite card!).
Feb. 20th
duo_aurion traded in Iris04.
Feb. 23rd
cookie_pixie traded in Iris02.
Feb. 29th
cookie_pixie traded in Iris06.
March 7th
melting traded in Iris07.
March 22nd
kittycatmew traded in Iris05 and Iris17.
April 16th
kittycatmew traded in Iris09.
April 17th
lucathia_rykatu traded in Iris15.
April 22nd
rhap_chan traded in Iris18.