YOU Name: Becky Age: 24 Location: Maine Occupation: I'm a medical receptionist for right now but that's changing soon! XD
FANDOMS Fandoms: Glee, House, The Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy, Make it or Break it, American Idol Actors/Actresses: Selena Gomez, Eliza Dushku Characters: House, Cuddy, Kutner, 13, Taub, Foreman (okay... pretty much everyone on House,) Elena Gilbert, Damon Salvatore, pretty much everyone on Grey's, Lauren Tanner, Kaylie Cruz Ships: House/Cuddy, 13/Chase, Callie/Arizona, Lauren/Carter, Lauren/Kaylie, Simon Cowell/Paula Abdul
OTHER INTERESTS Hobbies & other interests besides fandom: horseback riding (is my life- dressage, trail riding, western too,) horse racing, watching movies, shopping, religion, music, reading, traveling
ETC Friending policy I will friend anyone as long as they're mature and don't have crazy expectations of their f-list
I would love to be friends with you! 8D Horse-riding woo. ♥ Although I haven't gone riding myself for a long time... *sobs over money* Anyway, I'm Dani, 21, and studying in London. :3
Name: Becky
Age: 24
Location: Maine
Occupation: I'm a medical receptionist for right now but that's changing soon! XD
Fandoms: Glee, House, The Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy, Make it or Break it, American Idol
Actors/Actresses: Selena Gomez, Eliza Dushku
Characters: House, Cuddy, Kutner, 13, Taub, Foreman (okay... pretty much everyone on House,) Elena Gilbert, Damon Salvatore, pretty much everyone on Grey's, Lauren Tanner, Kaylie Cruz
Ships: House/Cuddy, 13/Chase, Callie/Arizona, Lauren/Carter, Lauren/Kaylie, Simon Cowell/Paula Abdul
Hobbies & other interests besides fandom: horseback riding (is my life- dressage, trail riding, western too,) horse racing, watching movies, shopping, religion, music, reading, traveling
Friending policy I will friend anyone as long as they're mature and don't have crazy expectations of their f-list
*flails in joy*
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