..Ugh..It's been Awhile

Oct 22, 2004 21:33

So time and time again I find myself wanting to write down my multiple thoughts of frustration and stress..but I never take the exact time to venture to the computer and sit down long enough to make sense of what is going on in my head.

My mom is sick. She is at her b/f's house now but she is really sick. She is down to 98 pounds. Found out my dad took her off his insurance and we don't know what we're gonna do.

My job sucks. The people are cool but I make shitty money and I am TRYING really hard to find another job. I have a couple more interviews on their way coming..but it just seems like everything is going so slow. So for now I bust my ass at a shitty place and hope that I have enougn hours to live off of lol.

Kasi and I are just in our spat. Ya know..the one everyone warned me about? I gave her another chance. Let her take me for granted before and gave up someone that could have been wonderful for me to believe in someone that is just a child. I know a lot of times I act like a complete idiot and I am emotional..but fuck..I still know basically what I want for myself and out of life. But now I am in this predicament and don't know what to do with myself or this situation. I have to live here because I have no money to move anywhere else and I also don't own anything. Yay for me. Kasi and I don't really talk. Last night was the first night in I don't know how long that I slept in a different room. I find myself bitchy everytime I come home because I find SOMETHING with her that pisses me off. Down to her buying me taco bell with my money then eating it cause she couldn't it at my work and she just decided that I wasn't going to want it. I don't know...maybe it's just me. Maybe I just really do bring out the worst in people and in return THIS is what I'm left with?

Naw..fuck that. I'm good to Kasi. I give her everything she'd want. I cook and clean and do her laundry and cover her up at night and basically pretty much everything besides wipe her ass and give her a bath. I just don't know why it's so hard for her to give a little more when I've already sacrificed so much for her. I asked her for a little more affection and she can't even seem to give that. She wants to be with her new friend all the time and I mean..I like her friend...but I just wish there was more intimacy. Not sex...even though that would be great lol..but affection. Hugging and kissing and holding and whatnot. But no..we just always fight.

Well I'm done bitching. I'm off to work. Love and miss everyone! Cathi babe..I hope you're doin better. I miss you sweetie :o) Come see me soon :o)

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