Kaidoh Kaoru @ sentient_icons

Apr 10, 2007 15:42

Yes, a 25 icon claim on Kaidoh Kaoru of Prince of Tennis! He's one of my favorite characters (Just behind Eiji and Yukimura), and I believe that he doesn't get enough love. So...I decided to dedicate an icon claim on him, since he's just cool like that :P
These icons aren't really great, so I feel kind of bad. Why? Well, I believe that Kaoru-chan deserves more! Well...anyway...enjoy, and take what you like :)

Series: Prince of Tennis
Character: Kaidoh Kaoru
# of icons: 11/25
Last Updated: May 5th, 2007
Resources: Here

Batch One: Craziness, Desire, Determination, Jealousy, Seriousness, Tranquility
Batch Two: Anger, Euphoric, Happiness, Nonsensical, Optimism, Surprise

01: Anger
02: Angst
03: Anxiety
04: Craziness
05: Desire

06: Determination
07: Energetic
08: Euphoric
09: Excitement
10: Fear

11: Frustration
12: Happiness
13: Indifference
14: Jealousy
15: Mischief

16: Nonsensical
17: Optimism
18: Pessimism
19: Sadness
20: Satisfaction

21: Seriousness
22: Surprise
23: Tension
24: Thoughtful
25: Tranquility



Resources // Awards

Like what you see? Then friend starclan_icons for regular updates :)

Rules and Regulations:
- Do comment if you're going to be taking any. :D
- Do credit if you take any (This is optional, although it makes me happy!)
- Do not claim these as your own...or else...I'll crush you!
- Do not hotlink. It takes up bandwidth, and that's bad.
- Do not alter my graphics in any way or form, unless I say they are bases.
- Enjoy!

prince of tennis, kaidoh kaoru, icons

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