Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death-that is, the devil- **and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.**
Hebrews 2:14-15 NIV John Wesley was raised in a Christian home. He attended church.
When he and his brother Charles went to Oxford, both they and a friend, George Whitefield, we're given the nickname the Methodist because they went out of their way to methodically serve God. They got up early to study and read the Bible before classes. They ate very plainly so they could give extra money to the poor. They didn't cut their hair as often as others so they could give that extra money to the poor. They visited the sick and those in prison. They preached all that they could. They had open air preaching to the lost. John decided to go to America as a missionary to the Indians.
Everything about John Wesley's life said that he was a Christian man. Then he went to America.
According to his testimony he met a group of people called the Moravians on the ship to or from America. He attended the services and spent time talking to them.
On the trip they were caught in a tremendous storm. Everyone on the ship was terrified of dying. The sailors were terrified that they were going to be destroyed in this storm. The only people we weren't afraid where the Moravians. They are holding a church service.
**John Wesley told the Lord that he was afraid to die. He said he wondered why would he was afraid to die. If he wad Christian he should not be. The Moravians aren't afraid to die. That's all John Wesley knew he wasn't born again.**
Naturally he became born again later, but what I'm pointing out is **in John Wesley's testimony he said that he knew he wasn't a true Christian no matter how much he read the Bible or prayed or gave to the poor or attending church or even preached. He knew he wasn't born again because he was afraid to die.**
**That scripture in Hebrews says that one of the characteristics of a born again person that don't fear death.**
Here is the hope. After John Wesley came to know that he wasn't born again, he thought God until he was.
John Wesley heard someone reading Martin Luther's introduction to the book of Romans at a church service. During that reading, received the new birth.
Nobody many different. John Wesley's not special. God will give the new birth to anybody who repents of their sins and believes.