50+ Professors & Staff Resign From Christian University After Refusing to Sign Homosexuality Pledge

May 17, 2012 15:36

In October of last year, news came out that Shorter University, a Christian college in Rome, Georgia, had decided to make its employees sign a controversial pledge that says that they are not engaging in homosexuality, among other forbidden activities. Now, after nearly 50% of the employees refused to sign the Pledge. The college, which is affiliated with the Georgia Baptist Convention, has received a massive number of resignations
Plainly stated: the opposition to the regulatory mechanism isn’t likely to lead Shorter University to reverse course. Aside from forbidding an active role in a gay relationship, the lifestyle pledge also bans pre-marital sex, adultery and drug use and abuse. Additionally, employees are asked to be active members of a church and to live their lives as committed, Bible-believing followers of Jesus Christ.
“Shorter University will hire persons who are committed Bible believing Christians, who are dedicated to integrating biblical faith in their classes and who are in agreement with the University Statement of Faith,” the document reads. “Moreover, employees are expected to be active members of a local church.”


Looks to me like this college needed a good bowel movement. The college administered the laxative in the form of the pledge. The result? A good cleansing.

Now hire some real Christians and get on with educating.

christian, homosexuality, god, bible, jesus, pledge, college, rome ga, baptist

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