Mar 13, 2006 23:07
I think it's time I start looking for a new job. Tina, now the regional manager, is the biggest effen bitch ever. Today she came in and all she did was nag, nag and nag. She even called our corporate manager and got her involved over something so small. One of my workers had some friends hanging out in the soda fountain/ beer area where there are stools and I got in trouble for that because supposedly people who are not 21 are not really allowed to sit there. What the one ever told me and people do it all the time. I swear people make the biggest deals over the littlest shit. It's not like its a fancy ass restaurant its a stupid dirty ass pizza place. That and along the other stress thats been going on at work makes me want to walk out one day. I don't even feel appreciated at my job, I do so much shit and no one even cares. Eff it man, as soon as I can find a job that will pay somewhat as good as what i get paid im out. To me it's not worth it to work there anymore.