Quote of the Day: What is good for philosophers? For Gnostics?

Jun 29, 2009 23:25

*in response to the question, 'How big is this sphere, which is the four-dimensional self?'*

"This is really a philosophical question, and to answer it requires a great deal of theory of cognition. The world is our picture. Only childish people imagine that the world is what we think it is. The image of the world is a projection of the world of the self, as the latter is an introjection of the world. But only the special mind of the philosopher will step beyond the ordinary picture of the world in which there are static and isolated things. If you stepped beyond that picture you would cause an earthquake in the ordinary mind, the whole cosmos would be shaken, the most sacred convictions and hopes would be upset, and I do not see why one would wish to disquiet things. It is not good for patients, or for doctors. It is perhaps good for philosophers."

-C.G. Jung, Analytical Psychology in Theory and Practice

A beautiful illustration of why the therepy/ self-help model is totally incompatible with Gnosticism, magick, real yoga, or Thelema.


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