Apr 28, 2007 14:58
All evil has this in common: it manipulates the truth. If we are Gnostics, and the Truth is the Good, than any perversion of the Truth, which would be truth used toward any end other than truth itself [i.e. truth as a means, rather than an end], is necessarily bad. Movements that use religion toward any end other than truth are movements of the dis-ease, Samael, which is existence. Existence is the by-product, not the point, of this dis-ease, which is imperfection becoming perfection. Peace is annihilation. War is truth. In war, in conflict, in antithesis, truth reveals itself through a juxtaposition of opposing forces. Peace reveals nothing. And so, if we are to have honour, we must RESPECT conflict. Humanitarian culture that fears death and pain does not allow us to do that. We must reject this culture and its values, which are now the reference point for the international community.