Mar 01, 2014 12:49
So, I have written an abstract which I submitted to Ms. Murphy, and I have now put together a CV of primarily my re-enactment experiences not great but, well we'll see. Ms. Murphy has responded and said that the CV is fine and that our abstract, with some input from a colleague, has been adjusted to better fit the program.
Today was the deadline for submission so, I suppose we will see what happens. I have already started the paperwork for a passport and then I suppose it will just be saving up the funds to actually get there.
Thus far though, I have to say that the experience has been really wonderful. Finally committing to a passion of which I have held basically all my life has given me renewed interest and energy. I realize that in most things the worst that can happen is that you are denied but, as a friend once told me, you have to keep promoting yourself to obtain your goal. I'm no longer afraid of being told no, as I can now (finally) see it for my necessity of doing better, and that is what I plan to better.
better living through the arts!
teatrum mundi