yoooooooou turnnnnnnn me on

May 07, 2006 22:16

so i was thinking to myself if 10 years from now..livejournal will exist and ill be able to read all my feelings through high school.
my bad ones anyway..because this livejournal has been amazing when i needed to let something out.

anyway .
5 more days
serioulsy that was way toooo fast
way too fast
its sad that i will leave dc with a regret
the regret that i couldnt get a good gpa because of that freshmen year..i just hope ill let that go in college and start fresh and get a good job.its sad when my friehd ashley from annapolis tells me that she got saludatorian when i had a higher gpa than her in middle school.but then again her 4.0 isnt worth it with her ACT score.i just hope dc is worth in the long run...i really do because i'll never let that go

these past four years
ive learned a lot about people
i learned how cruel people can be and selfish
but at the same time ..i learned that there are people that can be trusted and will do anything for you

well i gotta go cuz i am tired..

p.s i am not having a grad party(too american for my parents)haaaaaaa..but its okay
i would love to come to your party tho :)

i looooooooooove you all with my heart
these 4 years at dc have been something to remember

on another note

love sucks


hope you had fun reading my nonsense
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