(no subject)

Jul 18, 2005 22:28

i wanna go to london by myself for winter break and tickets are only $548 during the winter break week....now all i have do is to convice my parents to go there.I really wanna go there alone but i know my mom would tag along because she is just like that ............i mean i wouldnt be able to do anything if i went w/her she would be controlling me and telling me how to act ..blaah..i need to call my aunt and she needs to talk to my dad....................

ANYBODY THAT WANTS TO COME TO BACKSTREET BOYS CONCERT AUG 3RD ,7:30 pm ...30 BUCKS TICKET..NEEDS TO TELL ME...its me,mary,and joyze we just need another person to come...okay??/COMMENT/IM/CALL ME.

25 days till eminem with pecci and cousin!!!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
i love you eminem.
its gonna he his last tour :(...how sad.
eminem is retiring :(....

but channel955 is playing this 16 year old genius that raps like crazy his name his kyle sprat..watch out world his gonna kick ass.
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