Jan 29, 2005 18:02
Well seeing as I have a strong lack of updating, I'll do so now so I can make all you kids happy.
Nothing too much has really happened these past few days. Each day rolls on like years and to tell you the utmost unfortunate truth, it sucks. I dont even have any inspirtation/motivation to write anymore. And to add on to the subject of my writing, it really isnt as good as I thought it was when I had begun. But I dont want it to be gone, my writing ability is...excuse me WAS the only thing I really liked about myself, and if that goes away, I will have nothing except maybe the hint of residue on some white lined paper from a worn out pen. Yeah, thats motivational.
There are alot of things I hate in the world..for instance I hate when PeOpllE tYpE liiKe tHiiS..its like a hazoridous to eliptical people (snack) no offence to any of you who just so happen to do that, i still love you. Hate is a very strong word and the meaning of it could cut through cold steel.
I hate it when people mistake me for something I am not. See the girl I sit next to in math (not saying any names because I'd rather not risk my kindness level dropping) doesnt really hang out with me. And see, she thinks I'm just another girl who only talks about magazines, makeup, and whatever the fuck else the stereotypical teen girl talks about. And when she talks to me about this, her eyes read that she is implying the fact that she thinks we're all just a bunch of brainless fuckers who spill our hearts for lipgloss. If only she could see this...she'd know it was the total oppisite. So after she got done critisizing every fricken thing I do, (yeah, try having a really bad smelling girl leaning over your shoulder for a 45 minute period looking at your homework and saying "haha you got that wrong and I got it right!" Just a little 3rd grade but whatever.) she says "Boys talk about so much more interesting stuff, but of course you wouldnt know because you dont hang around guys that much". See now this got me a little ticked. Who the hell does she think she is to say I dont have friends with penisis? Half my friends are guys! But when she said this she got me thinking about stereoptypes and..wow..its amazing the fact that one sentence can change your whole point of view on things. I mean jeeze...so maybe we dont talk about yu-gi-oh and star wars! ..oh damn, i just gave away who the person was. Sorry. But thats not to say we dont talk about interesting things! Oh well..i guess I'm just overreacting. Sorry for such a bitching entry.
In language arts we have to write an essay about a goal that we have. I dont know what to write about, however, because I have chosen not to have a goal. See, goals can bring you one of two things. They can bring you either achievment, or dissapointment. And usually with my case I never succeed in accomplishing a goal which always brings my soaring hopes to a downfall. I dont know what I'm going to write about. Help me.
I have nothing else to say; I'm leaving you now
<3Yours truly
What You’ll Never See
Behind her mask, you’ll never know
An entity she chose to veil
A reality she won’t show
This life, she thought, was getting stale
And the tears she tends to curtain
Behind a pair of joy-masked eyes
No, she doesn’t feel for certain
She can endure her life of lies
But she feels no need to give in
Not for a little while at least
Though she still hides herself within
Some of her pressure is released
If only she was as happy
As she had pretended to be