Dec 27, 2004 17:15
Yes well I suppose that I should write in this more often looking at the fact that i havent updated last update. But whatever, I'm updating now so I don't feel guilty.
Well, the day before yesterday was christmas. I got alot of stuff including but not limited to a 14 karote gold (or however you spell it) bracelete, gift cards of all sorts, scarfs galore for some unknown reason, and an mp3 player. Yeah, I got an mp3 player. However I really wanted an ipod, a silver one. I dont know why my dad decided to get me an mp3 but whatever. It was a very passive event, a word which here means "letting an event pass without much ado about it because there is nothing you can do about it." Maybe you have expierienced a passive moment in the shoe store, when you sat in a chair as the shoe sales person forced your feet into a series of ugly and uncomfortably fitting shoes, when all the while you wanted a bright red pair with strange looking combination of laces and buckles the nobody on earth was going to buy for you. Or maybe your parents had enrolled you into the gardening club when all you wanted was to take boomerang lessons. I had just recently expierienced a passive moment myself sitting in a shoe store while the sales person forced my feet into a series of ugly and uncomfortably fitting shoes, when all the while i wanted a bright red pair with strange looking combination of laces and buckles the nobody on earth was going to buy for me.
Anyway, after opening presents me and my mom both sat down to a hearty breakfast of leftover chinese food, of which is our idea of the perfect christmas breakfast. And then for the rest of the day i practiced "calligraphy" which is an art or form of writing involving many loops and serifs. Nothing much has really happened so I guess I will have to go back furthur into the past.
Oh yes, how could I forget about Larry's party. After school me caroline molly allie and kylie (sam and meghan were unable to attend to my displeasure) all got together and went outside to the pickup area only to find that mrs dore was already there and the guys (larry blake mike brandon and josh. Jack was no where to be found and brett was to come later for he had basketball) So mrs dore waited until my mom got to school, later than planned because she had just got out of work. We drove to larrys and all piled out. I said bye to my mom throwing my bag into the car so I wouldnt have to carry it home. Then we all filed inside and made our own sundaes which is always greatly amusing. I had a severe laugh attack as one might call it because Caroline so willingly reminded me of the time Christopher Basset wore limited too pants to school in the 5th grade. I was litteraly on the floor laughing and I had to hold my weight on the sink to keep from falling reluctantly over and over again. Then Blake informed us of the time Christopher Basset had painted his nails with his neighbor and I started laughing all over again. Yeah...ok so then we took a vote on who wanted to play either football or capture the flag. As you can imagine and to no suprise of mine, everyone wanted to play football including me. The teams were Me Allie Mike Blake and Josh against Molly, Caroline, Kylie, Larry and Brandon.Our team did pretty well none the less, even if Mike and Blake's "Blue Lateral Strike Man" ceased to work as many times as they executed it. Jack came somewhere along the middle and joined our team. Me and Blake had much to call each other during that game. Names of which included "Catfish Molester and Hamster Doer". Honestly Blake and I are the most mature people who have ever walked this infested earth. After football we all went in and watched a movie on Larry's SICK NASTY theater thing in his basement. We watched Christmas with the Griswolds or whatever its called. It was alright, but during the movie I was having a lot of fun with Caroline, haha funny times dude. In the middle of the movie Speranzella came and all was jolly. After the movie we hung out in the basement and then went upstairs to have pizza and cake. Everyone sang happy birthday to Larry and I looking at the fact that my birthday was only a few days before. Though it wasn't really my party so don't get the wrong idea. Then we all had a nice chat and me and Caroline threw cupcakes at each other because we are truly that cool. Then we went back downstairs and hung out and me and Blake ate Larrys swedish fish because thats what best friends do, take peoples candy. Then after much fun, it was time for me to "blow the popstand" and head on home for yet another party. I'm not going to get into that though seeing as though this entry is already very long and I doubt any of you have gotten this far. And if you have I will give you a cookie, prefferably a chocolate chip one because we have an abnormally large bucket of cookie dough in the fridge.
I have nothing else to say, I am leaving you now.
<3Yours Truly
Man it takes a silly girl
To lie about the dreams she has
But it takes a lonely one
To wish she had never dreamt at all