Not just a pretty face

Sep 13, 2012 22:50

Long time no post. Don't remember when was the last time I posted something. Whatever.

Started watching House MD. I kept away when it was dominating the TV. Thought, if it was popular, I wouldn't like it. Now, even as I am watching, I am not enjoying it as much. It's entertaining at times. I guess what I like about the show is the medical puzzles, the diseases I've long forgotten. So, it's a refresher course. Apart from that, there's not one character that I like. House, I hate to my very core. Not just as a doctor, but as a person too. He deserves what he gets, every piece of misery in his misanthropic, nihilistic life. He wouldn't survive one case in any hospital, either fired or beaten/shot to death by patients. I hope noone thought that's how hospitals work.

I have just finished the fourth season and thus far, the high point is Olivia Wilde. Up until yesterday, I watched just a pretty face in a cool character. A little digging in IMDb and YouTube showed nothing special until I found this:

image Click to view

It's not everyday you see someone as brave and fervent as she is. I admire anyone who can call a woman forced to prostitution for years her sister, because they are born the same. It takes more than guts.

olivia wilde, tv shows, house md

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