The Soundtrack they got together. Period.
It's even listed in's
Top Ten Movie Soundtracks of 2009. It's the last, which makes me even more curious about the rest of the list.
I really liked the songs. Actually, i got the album before watching the movie. The bands on it were cool enough, like Editors and Death Cab For Cutie. The more i listened, the more i liked. Some of the songs, i presumed, would set the feel of the story;
Meet Me On The Equinox by Death Cab For Cutie
Possibility by Lykke Li
Rosyln by Bon Iver & St. Vincent
Hearing Damage by Thom Yorke
No Sound But The Wind by Editors, and last but not least -and definitely unexpectedly-
The Meadow by Alexandre Desplat. Perfect piano piece. Last time they used a Debussy, and got Rob singing even. Comparing these two albums shows how much the producers have come along the way.
If only i could say the same about the movie. See, i read the first book in the series, thought it cheesy but decided to give it another chance and kept on reading. When i came to the part where Edward leaves Bella, i couldn't believe i was subjecting myself to this nonsense. That unoriginal, superficial, unfeeling, empty words of teen romance exchanged... Dropped it and haven't look back since then. Thought if there was anything i missed, i could catch it in the movie.
Watching it helped one thing, if nothing else. I'm not missing anything by not reading. It was like watching "i love you, i won't let anything happen to you, i have to go, scream, i miss him, scream, oh i love you, no i love you more, scream, you are my everything... ad nauseam" playing on repeat. Actually i could ask for my two hours lost, too, but there was this great soundtrack. Unfortunately, many of the songs don't play long in the movie, so i definitely recommend getting the album.