Jan 26, 2009 13:42
TM Prompt #266: Start something.
I'm good at starting things. Finishing them, not so much.
I've started fights. Relationships. Big huge messy bar brawls. One-night stands, the kind where you can't look them in the eye next day because the situation is so frakked. But I can't take the next step. I can't finish, because somehow that comes with a whole lot of other details I can't think about.
Can't think about, or don't want to consider? I guess that's the question I really should ask, but it sounds like something that would have come out of the shrink's mouth back when I was in flight school. Yeah, they had a shrink, to judge whether we were "psychologically competent." Those who were got through okay and those who weren't bluffed it and still got through mostly okay. Like me. But then, I've fooled a lot of people in my lifetime. Can't remember exactly when I just started doing it to survive.
Gods, that makes me sound like the Colonies' biggest liar. But there's a difference between lying and fooling. You lie to deceive people. You fool them so they don't come closer, so they don't see something beneath the surface they might not like.
I can't even follow my own advice on that, though. There are people I should have kept on fooling and didn't, out of my own frakked-up belief that I could handle it. Lords, you'd think I'd know myself better by now. But I don't. Some people never learn and I'm one of them. I guess that's why I keep starting things and not finishing them.
Except for fights. I'm good at finishing fights.
Muse: Kara Thrace
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Words: 272
nobody cares about your life story kara,
ramble ramble ramble mushroom,
theatrical muse