I'm finally starting to get my notes together to post some meaningful discussion topics, but the last few weeks have been a bit nutty so I had delayed the discussions. I'm starting with a relatively easy one tonight and hope to post some more interesting topics down the line so bear with me. :)
Since it's been almost a year since I've done this, here's a refresher: definitely want to keep this spoiler-free. Everything from the miniseries to Revelations is fair game, so if you haven't yet caught up on season 4, you may want to stay away from any comments posted here.
The first half of season 4 has finished airing and the final episodes of the series are in the process of being completed. What did you think of the first half? Loved it? Hated it? Why? Do you have any expectations for the back half of the season, particularly considering that those ten will be the final episodes of the series?
I loved it. Personally, I thought it was the strongest showing since season 1 and I wouldn't be surprised if the quality of the episodes escalated further when we finally see the back half of the season. The writing wasn't always perfect - when can it ever be? - but the story generally remained strong and moved forward (with, perhaps, the exception of The Road Less Traveled, which has been very, very slowly growing on me).
I didn't care much for what they did to Starbuck at the beginning of the season. Looking back, I think that was the only thing that completely unsettled me, but this was the season of change for many of the characters. I would have to sit here for hours to write about everything that has changed, but since I plan on getting some sleep sometime tonight, I'll just point a few of the ones I thought were more interesting. The character that surprised me the most this season was Tory Foster. Out of all of the four Cylons revealed at the end of last season, she has seemed to be the only one to truly feel at ease with what she is. Granted, I am still squicked by the fact that she's been sleeping with Baltar, but even that makes sense in some twisted way because he has preached what she believes in.
The other character turn that I thought was wonderful was that of Lee. I may be a bit biased because he's always been one of my favorite characters while most people seem to hate his guts. If you go back to the beginning of the series, I think it seemed inevitable that he would someday inherit Laura's position of political power. If I recall correctly, Mary McDonnell stated in an interview that Laura sees Lee as a good choice to replace her because of his knowledge of the military and his budding diplomatic skills. He's finally growing into that role, growing up, as it were. And I really can't wait to see where they take him in the final episodes.
Another season 4 thread that I could write for hours about is the blossoming of the A/R story... but then, if you're on my flist, you've already had to endure endless babbling about how I feel, so I won't subject you all to it again. Let's just say that I am pleased. Incredibly, unbelievably pleased. And it would also be repetitive of me to say how much I loved Mary's acting this season, so we'll leave that one alone as well. *g*
One thing I've mentioned a bit on my reviews from the first half of the season was Bear McCreary's music. I believe he really came into his own this season. From reading his blog, I get the feeling that he knows this is something remarkable and truly special and it may not come around again, so he has done everything in is power to make the music set the tone and he has succeeded with flying colors. I can't tell you how many times I've had the music from GWCTD and The Hub stuck in my head and the way my heart still swells at the new version of the A/R theme at the end of The Hub. His genius continues to shine through and I look forward to hearing what he has done with the final episodes.
As for expectations for the back half? I really don't have any. I've learned the hard way that sometimes it's best not to put expectations on something because 99% of the time you will be bitterly disappointed. When 2009 finally rolls around (my, oh my, how far from now that seems) I will sit at the edge of my seat and wait with bated breath to see how the story ends.