Hello, my lovelies! How are you all? I've actually been pretty good the last few weeks. With the exception of working at Wal-mart. This is how I feel during the hours I spend there:
This job is really getting to me ya'll. To the point where I've been in the management office twice in the last week bawling my guts out. Either my anti anxiety/depression medicine needs a dosage increase, or I've just totally had it with Wal-mart in general. The feeling has been building for months now, ever since I had to take on two additional departments. All because the people that run Home Office are a bunch of dickbags. And when I say "Home Office", I'm making an allusion to the episode of Angel where the Home Office of Wolfram & Hart = literal hell. Seriously.
Dear Walmart,
We're so short-staffed anyway, but when they condense us down even further and do not give us any help my head spins around like that bitch from The Exorcist. No lie. I see red like you would no believe. Or when they pull us to work in other departments so we can't get our work done, and then yell at us because our departments fall behind. Fucking GRRRRR.
This is what that particular situation feels like:
I think I'm done making my point.
In other news, I've been on a diet for the last 5 weeks or so. I've lost 20 pounds. I am so goddamned proud of myself, you have no idea. Allow me to do "The Dance of Joy."