Jul 02, 2007 16:24

For the first time ever, I donated money to a political campaign - and I urge anyone here who supports Barack Obama (Democratic candidate from Illinois) for the Presidential nomination to do the same.

Any donation counts, no matter how small. Give $1 or $500 -- first time donators and young voters are extremely important statistics to push Obama forward in this campaign.

To learn more about Barack Obama's political platform, click here. (you can also use this site to check out/compare the platforms of other 2008 presidential candidates.)

To make a donation to Obama's campaign, click here.

His campaign advisors also send out a great newsletter, which I receive - if you're interested in getting it, as well, sign up here.

Sorry for the overtly political post, but I thought I'd try to encourage anyone who has been THINKING about donating to actually do it. :)

I'm also a fan of Senator Hillary Clinton, and while I am backing Obama, I encourage her supporters to research her and make a donation (she needs more small, individual donators - the majority of hers are large and/or corporate.)

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