I may have to watch the season finale

May 21, 2011 19:02

since TWOP is having literal cows about it.

Has anyone on my flist watched the SPN finale? Is it worth dl:ing?
The Bones finale had me sighing but Community was amazing, nothing new there. It's like they are completely new with all the meta going on. I adore it. My girl even mentioned CSI and having to get home to watch it. Troy and Abed are pure ♥. CM and The Big Bang Theory are still unwatched but on the dl.
I just miss the Pada so much and I understand he was actually in the finale. And had some emotional scenes - wonders never cease. I'm sure it still was mostly the Dean and Cas show, but still.

We've been chopping wood all day since I came back from the barn so I am beat! The couch and TV are screaming for me.

jared, spn, community

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