This week's TV

Apr 16, 2010 20:33

Bones just keeps delivering

Angela: Wow, that is a crappy motel room.
Brennan: The bed has magic fingers!
Angela: Okay, I'm gonna drive by that one. (The delivery was perfect!)
"That sounded clinical but felt very insulting." Another perfect delivery. Oh Bones!

I know, I know, dry humor and it still tickles me pink. As did the allusions to Brennan as Morticia Addams, by her class mates, just fit perfectly.
I am so enjoying the subtleness instead of the in your face humor. This show is so refreshing after all the emo crap I see out there. It's not perfect, far from it but it has that touch to reality in the characterization that I so miss these days. There's no iconic archetype, they are all filling their slots without being overly done. Brennan is wonderfully asocial at times,, I have a few of those e moment too. heh. Cam, oh Cam, I think she is the most normal of them all and I adore her and wish I could see more of her. All in ll, all these characters ring true and not one of the is annoying. That's why I don't even care if there's some plotholes and the stories are already told a hundred times before - because the stories are seen though new, unique eyes and I can see each and every one's POV.
I don't know but my guess is that fandom does not have so much to say in the making of this show. Boreanaz learned from the master Wheedon about how to tell a story through characters. Best kind of storytelling IMHO.

Show, stay classy!

CSI - And I can't get over how much GE and JPad's acting style are alike. They let their co-star shine and without having to claim the entire scene, they still are the ones to dominate the emotional impact. It's very subtle but it comes straight through the screen. I am impressed with that kind of understated and very effective acting. It's also the mark of leading man material.
Love being inside Hodges head. I kinda love the dork. From Nick's acting the understanding leader in the beginning, I gather that's what Hodges needs. I got the distinct sensation by Hodges looking back and the diving seat being empty. Nick is Hodges' hero *g*.

"Evidence eradication crew." Dryer than the Mohave and I approve. \o/

Cath calls Mr. Sex on Legs Nicky \o/ I think it's adorable.

Everybody acted like they were in Hodges head and Dr. Robbins was hilarious. So that's how Hodges perceives it; the underlings do the work and the bosses take the credit? I adore you Hodges. And man do you have some majorly erotic fantasies about Nick or what? That ass slap. LOL! And Henry definitely is a threat to poor Hodges.
So the female cadet was and impersonation of Cat? I didn't get if before she fell into 'Warrick's' arms at the crime scene. It was first then I realized the cadets where being Grissom and Cath.

I found this ep to be full of small callbacks and cleverly inserted shout-outs to earlier eps. Or maybe I've just been watching this show too long? I just found this entire ep to be so fascinatingly clever character vise and it's a long time since I've seen anything like this on CSI. This is another ep I will surely re-watch.
Poor Henry!
Welcome back show! See how good it works without forcing Langston down our throats PTB?

Since there was no NCIS and I was bored I resorted to this:

Typing as I watch
Bar, Zach too moping? Oh holy.
Scene too long, not interested FF
Dean moping and packing. Scene melodramatically dragging on f.o.r.e.v.e.r. Oh, he's writing a letter of goodbye, of course he is, I forgot he is a diagnosed narcissist. I bet he's blaming Sam. Oh, hello Sammy! This is you scene in the epic 100th ep? You knew about Lisa? How, whatever, you look darned good in all your glory. I wish you were the co-lead. Don't waste words on that one, what you need to do for a narcissist is crawl in the dirt. Yes that's it tell him you're always wrong and he is always right. Atta boy!
Oh Sam's face! And I love love JPad's paralinguistics.

Oh back to mopey, martyr Batman, Deano.
You're trying to talk to him Bobby? You too?
Nice PO, face there Sammy, I approve!
Cas is ..something whatever...FF...oh, wait, Adam? Wait, didn't they burn him? Whatevs show, FF
Oh, Sam, I loved your surprised face and you actually have a couple of different ones too.
Adam too with the Batman voice? Oh, wait he's Dean nr 3, whatevs. Dean's pissed he's not the chosen one and I'm bored even with all this eye-candy.
Deano pulls his usual angry face and tells Cas, Deano2, to blow him? Oh fanservicing the Cas/Dean segment.
Deano 3 also has father-issues. FF

Sam why do you keep insisting on talking to these Deanos? They are all just about woe me my afterlife is so hard.
Sam: "With that attitude you fit right in here." *high-fives*
The low self-esteemer says last someone looked at him like that he got laid. fanservice ahoy. *rolls eyes*
Dean is as usual guilting Sam about the FEMALE demon, way to go, oh holier than thou. Then he mopes about being tired. *yawn* Then he of course tells Sam he doesn't believe in him. Really? Hadn't noticed at all after all these what, 4 seasons? *snerk* Sam's self-righteous? Pot meet kettle. *cackle*
Oh Sam's face! He's so tying to hold back all the emotions, like he always has to. In real life Sam would be a basket case.
Bobby asks Sam how he's doing and actually seems to mean hold on a minute! That's never happened before. Someone measure Bobby's fever ASAP!
Cas goes to check on his new canon sexbud, how wait a minute...Deano will escape, I can already see it. I think I have seen this ep before.

*goes to get coffee*

Why that large duck in the picture? FF
Cas is doing a Deano on Dean? And not passively-aggressive either, he really goes for it, everything Dean's always wanted to do to Sam. How many characters do we need to explain Deano? Whatever.. FF
Zach monologues (this show is big on monologues) and tells everything that is going to happen next. WTF? FF

Yes, this is WTLB ala Deano but damned, where's the acting in this one?

Oh Sammy's saving this scene, there's some actual acting, with body language (Sam is all open here) and paralinguistic aids and all. JPad, really, why bother? This show is all about looking pained!
And here comes what Zach just told us about.... FF... Damned. JPad looked good there...FF
Sam with a knife, trying to off Zach? Only angels kill angels you moron! A little throwing around that will leave no marks again?
Wait! FU Padalecki. I can stand seeing people bleed from the mouth all right but you adding that sound. *slaps him* No realism in this soap if you please, no one else is bothering.
Sam and Adam are bleeding and BatmanDeano looks at his bleeding bro while he and Zach blah blah blahs.
Deano kills the archangel and gets a loooooooooong close-up on his shining blue eyes. FF Whatevs, show. Oh, Deano can take the angelic white light just as Sam can the demonic. Guess we'll find out later that Deano has angel blood in his veins. I'll be so surprised when In the Beginning 2 shows up in season 6 and shows an angel bleeding into Deano's mouth.

I guess this scene should be brotherly love but I am not buying it. Deano speaks and speaks and speaks about how he feels and I couldn't care less at this point. I'd appreciate some more showing instead of all this monologuing. I guess this is the writing on the wall for those who didn't get it while it was acted out. Whatevs.

We end with another 'screw destiny' speech? WTF?

Show just regurgitated for what, 43 mins? What the hell was this ep good for?

Keep riding that flying shark, show!

Supernatural (Viewers: #5, #5, 2.39 million; A18-49: #5, 1.1/ 3). Despite massive promotion with previews and bloggers singing its praise. *g* Down 400.000 since last week.

tv, spn, bones, csi

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