Jensen also got a chance to pay homage to Jared’s acting chops when someone asked a question about how he’d play the angel Michael if Dean ends up saying yes. Jensen said he’d take inspiration from the way Jared played Lucifer possessing Sam in “The End” - in fact, when actor Matt Cohen came to Jensen for advice on how to play young John possessed by Michael, Jensen actually took Matt to his trailer and played him the clip of Jared as Lucifer. “See?” he said to Matt, “Same guy, but different. You’re still his brother, but also this angelic otherworldly presence.” Jensen went on to say, “I was really impressed with Jared in “The End” as Lucifer, really proud of him.” He says that if he does ever get to play Michael, he’ll take Jared’s lead and try to copy how well he did it.
And I kind of wish you were the producer of this show. I'm betting you'd do a better job than Crapster has.
Spoilerish article But people think there will be more seasons after the already redundant S6?
The moment the boys' contracts are up, both will be running for the hills as fast as they can.