
Jun 08, 2009 19:39

First: lin71 asked for forgiveness for her countrymen for electing a doofus. This time it is I that bow my head in shame of mine that have given the vote to Timo Soini. I think both men bark up the same tree and I am so ashamed I could cry. It's clear that this election (41% chose to participate in Finland) is a protest against politics overall. The low participation is worrisome, but expected. If you're asked to choose between pest and cholera, you won't chose unless you're forced to. The right wing is taking over because there is no real left wing in Europe.

Second: Man has taken to eating rye bread sandwiches with peanut butter and banana. My stomach is turning at the sight and I had to ask him if he's pregnant or something? Last week it was hard bread, shrimpchese and apples on top and now this? Can't he get cravings like normal people (I) do? Like for choco or something?

And he still needs a haircut! I keep telling him that the 70ies mop is so not in! It's now long enough for him to wear it in a silly ponytail. Which he did Sunday when he washed the cars. *facepalm* Says he's in mourning because Ferrari is stinking this year. Yes, I am crying. *rolls eyes*

The good new is that I didn't make a total fool of myself yesterday. I wasn't stellar, never am but at least I remembered the program this time and Essi got full points for gait and tempo. She's such a good little horsie that I pulled her ears for half an hour afterward. Yeah, she loves that and just tucks her head in my lap and relaxes totally.

has been brought up in the SPN fandom.
And no, fanfic writers don't have the right to demand feedback from our readers! Not even the established writers. Writer really don't! Feedback is wonderful, it makes you happy and may make you blush and smile like a goon. But you still can't demand it from your readers! Instead we should be grateful for what we get, really!

This discussion comes up in every fandom at some point, it seems it's SPNs turn to go through this right now. The sad thing is that it often precedes the fandom's decline. Maybe it's the sign that people are already moving on when there are complaints about lack of feedback? I'd so love for some scholar to take a look at the progression of fandom, it seems to have very distinct phases; from squeeing over a few writers to writers' (usually a semiBNF) demanding more feedback from the fandom and guilting the readers into feedbacking. If someone knows anyone that's done research on the development of fandom, please show me the way to the source!

I know it's a process of fandom, I've seen it it every one I've ever been and it still bothers me. Because it comes down to a very simple question: why do you write?

I guess everyone has a personal reasons to writing fics. But if it is primarily to be admired, become a BNF and get tons of feedback; well why not write a best-seller and get paid for your work? Because guilting fandom into feedbacking just bothers me to no end.

But maybe it's just me? I've never been and never will be a BNF so I don't have the luxury to feel the rush of multiple sides of feedback o my LJ. I'm still shocked if I get more than 5 replies. Ad let me assure you; ridiculously happy over each and every feedback I get because that means someone is actually reading what I write! I'm not the best writer ever, I never will be. I write for myself, because something just screams at me it needs to be told. Maybe that's the difference? I would still write even if I didn't get any feedback, but maybe I wouldn't post it? So yes, feedback means a lot but as I fanfic scribbler I don't feel I have any right to demand it. All I can do is feel grateful of those who take the time to read and comment. And rest assured, I am ridiculously happy over every feedback, but I don't feel entitled to demand it and I never will.

And I miss writing porn! Dammit! Isn't it just wonderful that both my fandoms have deprived me of the opportunity to indulge in some slash? I want Warrick back! Or at least let Sam hook up with the male CRD in 4.09 since apparently females are persona non grata on the show. That demon was hot! As was Ruby, but alas. all female must die on SPN so I'm not asking for miracles, I really ain't.

I just want my porn, thank you! I can't believe I'm still in the gutter!

fandom, musings, writing

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