(no subject)

Jan 03, 2010 23:23

to say "i love you" can't nearly begin to explain how i feel. three words? i'm supposed to summarize the multitude of emotions swelling up inside of me in three words? No, three words cant and will not explain how i feel. when i say "i love you" what i mean is that every time i see you, my heart swells in my chest and the beating grows and grows until it feels like its going to burst open and expose everything that i am. when i say "i love you" what i mean is that i don't just think about you, but i actually worry about you, that i care about you, about how your day was or what obstacles you've faced or if your father ever really accepted you. these things are important to me because they make up everything that you are, and everything that you are completes me. when i say "i love you" what i mean is that no matter what happens, no matter who i meet or what i see, where i go or what i learn, i carry you with me. i carry the idea that i belong; i belong to you. when i say "i love you" what i mean is that every day when i come home and open my front door, i want you to be there to greet me, and not the cold distant face of silence. i wouldn't care for expensive gifts or furniture specially made in some warehouse--when i say " i love you" what i mean is that even living in poverty would be alright, as long as you were with me.

so when i say "i love you" what i mean is a hundred million things that far surpass anything that those three words could ever define. when i say "i love you" what i mean is that these feelings won't fade, they won't change, and they won't expire. when i say "i love you" what i mean is forever.
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