I wanted to reply to
sonata_ix 's entry about not wanting to post anything bad on LJ, because of what people will think. But I thought I'd do an entry on it instead.
If I posted my journal on MySpace, a lot of my friends would read it. Problem is, they never reply or talk about what they read, instead I feel like they just read it to stalk me. If someone really wants to know what is going on in my life, I'll add anyone to my friends list. They can come here, to a place that doesn't email them the second I hit that "post to starbreaker85" button.
When my journal was on MySpace, I even got complaints that it's 'boring' or 'too personal'. The hell? Um, it's a journal about me, it's going to be personal and about my unexciting life. Sure, there is some good drama here, mostly about boys. The majority is about my tags: college, work, sewing, etc. It's natural to post more about the negative, those my problems and writing them out often helps me solve them. I often feel better after I write an entry, because I look at it and think of how silly it sounds. Why am I letting that get to me?
Saturday was Mike's birthday, and Tuesday is mine. We celebrated his yesterday. Went out for steak, then went back to his place. We spent some time being all couple-y, then he went to play WoW while I studied and took a test online for MGMT 4170. UNT's Blackboard was being super slow, so I barely had time to finish the test. :( I was torn between wanting to chunk something across the room, and wanting to cry, but it was nice to go hug Mike afterwards. :) Professor hasn't released the grades yet, so I have no idea how I did. We went out for pancakes, then I came home and fell asleep at about 2:30am.
At 5:30am, brain said, "It's time to get up!" How annoying. I'm running on 3 hours sleep right now, but I don't feel like it. It's a nice day again outside. I've been working on cleaning my apartment, and I sat on the balcony to eat breakfast. Had to kill a wasp when I first went out there (ARG, just DIE already!), but overall I have reclaimed possession of the balcony. I saw Allie walk by on her way to work, which is kind of weird. We know we live in the same complex, but we only see each other at work.
I have two tests tomorrow for my birthday. :-/ I plan on studying, napping, and studying some more. Somewhere in there I'm going to the gym, and I really should go shopping. I also have Eagle Idol rehearsal tomorrow (during my test, going to stop in between tests to check on it), Wednesday night, and the show on Thursday night. So:
Today- study, groceries, gym
Tues- study, exam, Eagle Idol, exam
Wed- Dr. Appt in downtown dallas, class at UNT Dallas campus, traffic, Eagle Idol
Thurs- work 9am, Jazz, building setups, Eagle Idol
Sleep, then I have to go to my parents in Rowlett. I'll have some serious laundry issues by then, and I need to do the final fitting for Bryan's costume. We're celebrating my birthday next weekend, and the weekend after that is Valentine's day. Lovey February.