emo cupcake

Jan 14, 2007 17:33

i miss unemployment.
being a vampire who sleeps all day and is up all night.
working doesnt even guarentee money, im so fucking broke all the time. where does it go?
im sleeping so much better than i ever have.
i am scared to fucking death about this whole "being in remission" tag.

i like watermelon juice. a whole lot.
i like the courthouse. i am lame.
i like one of the girls who works at wheels and dollbaby. crushing bad.
i like the idea of having a little black cat called tooksy. all cutesy. since i am just a little nerdy punk deep down.
i like having a key to the shop. so i could theoretically steal shoes in the middle of the night.
i like white roses.

obession over japanese everythings is growing. gloomy bears and lolita headpeices. ramen noodles and decora fashions.

i desperately want to go to japan after uni. june/july. with a specific someone. but there is too many headaches assosiated with it, not all to do with money.

i miss laura. and holly. and meredith. and my bella.

the other week i locked myself out of my apartment. woops.
ended up having while while stranded. cuddled minxy and watched the oc with schmozzles and then slept at ali's.
jake gyllenhaal is a fucking stone cold fox.

alex is coming with me to los angeles in february.
road trip to vegas.
new hair.
stalking certain LA it girls who name drop.
shopping shopping shopping.
hollywood lights and puppy kisses.

last night was actually a bit of a stress. started out good. snowman gig at the annandale. beer. too much as always. cuddles with marc. ended up rushing to the ER at st vincents to see if laura was ok. ended up being overly emotional and rude to the nurse and was thus kicked out of the ER.
marc gave me a little glowstick to calm me down. it worked.
friends are love.

i rather like laura. yes, yes i do.
laura is cool and has hair like me.
it shall be fun when we can take over the apartment in the next weekend or so.
someone said we looked like the veronicas last night. we told them we were just lesbian sisters who were trapezie artists.

the other night we ended up in hyde park, in this giant tent that was 100years old. fucking awesome.
strange hungarian-ish gyspy music, like some bar mitzvah band on ice.
cheap champagne drunks.
dancing like total tools amoungst the weirdest mix of people. cute, old couples. twirling laura around. can can kicks with marcs flatmate.
he could never marry someone who didnt just dance till they were sweaty.
so we danced till i was sweaty.

is it just me, or is there an increased amount of pathetic interest in the whole 80's heavy metal 'glam' rock scene?
welcome to the fucking jungle baby.

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