"This has been burning within me for so long..."

Oct 13, 2005 18:02

I need to stop spending money. I swear, the ~$2,000 I have left over from scholarships / working this summer is dwindling, slowly but surely, and my $120 a week just isn't filling it back up, especially given that I'm driving not only to ASU and back every day but I've been driving down to church (or Java Spot) daily too... so gas is being consumed much more quickly than it was a few weeks ago. What do I find to spend all of my money on? Well today it was a 20" Dell LCD monitor I've been drooling over for quite some time. It's widescreen, and it uses the same LCD as the Apple 20" LCDs do, so it's good quality... for $400, shipped free, with no tax, I think it was a steal, so I bought one. A couple of weeks ago it was my 50mm prime (which is sitting on my camera, waiting for an opportune time to be of use)... earlier this week it was a $15 Microsoft Wireless Optical Wheel Mouse (my Kensington mouse is showing some wear, and at $15, you can't beat it... I like those mice). You see, I buy things on sale simply because they're cheap and I might need them. The LCD is a different story, because I'd been debating buying one for months, and the 50mm prime is in the same category, but other things I just buy on a whim, which isn't always good. So, I'm going to try and stop spending as much and let my account regain the money I've been spending. Hopefully it'll work...

I have a domain... go me!

I bought a domain a few days ago, and finally got all coordinated with Bryce as far as nameservers and stuff goes, so it's finally working as it should. At some point in the (hopefully near) future, I will be transitioning my blog over to futileohm.com (don't worry, there's absolutely nothing there currently). Props to Tall Brian for the name idea (whether he intended it or not). If anyone gets a creative drive and has any logo ideas or site design/color ideas, let me know... no, you don't need to know how to make web pages or what not, but a drawing goes a long way and I can take it and make it into (decent) (X)HTML/CSS from there. Of course, if you want to design a whole page layout for me, that's fine too... but I want something that's really slick looking, so I doubt I'll have people randomly designing templates for me. I'm most likely going to set up a WordPress and slowly migrate from using my LiveJournal to using that instead. It'll take a while though, as I'll have to get comfortable with WordPress and such before I ditch my (now paid) LiveJournal for good. I may parallel them too for a while, so I'll have to see how I feel in a week or two when I actually get time to sit and think about the frivialities of it all.

Of course, this also means that I have (another) new email address as well: peter at futileohm dot com. Original, isn't it? You can use that email address, or my ASU one (peter dot woods at asu dot edu) or my Cox one too, if you like that one. I'm not sure which I'll send email from primarily, probably whichever one I'm in the mood for...

I just don't get it

I really just don't get the point of all these stupid (yes, they are stupid) survey/meme/whatever things that people spend a ton of time answering. What do you benefit from knowing that some random 13-year-old's logic determined you were a bed-wetter? Yeah, some of them are remotely amusing, but they still get old fast. Not to mention the fact that 95% of them are poorly worded and look like they were written by a 13-year-old-coincidence? I think not. If you're going to waste time doing something, please, for the love of God, waste it doing one of two marginally more productive things: 1) Write about pointless stuff that you hate for fun, or 2) Play a video/computer game. You're going to be killing brain cells anyways, so why not at least have a little bit of fun doing so.

The funniest of these online meme things, a.k.a. 98.793% of them, are so easily rigged that it's not even funny. The less the number of questions, the more obvious the answers too. And quite frankly, 92.78937% of users don't answer honestly anyways, so what's the point? (Yes, my statistics are genuine, accurate, and backed by multiple sources). If they were 100-question-long things with well-worded, original questions, I'd probably care a little more... what's that you say? Nobody would sit and answer 100 questions? Never! *sigh*, what is this world coming to?

Oh, and even worse than the meme things are the retarded "copy this and fill in your answers" things. YES! LET'S ANSWER TEH SAME QUESTNS OVR ADN OVAH AGIN CUS ITZ FUN LOLOLOLLOOLOLOOLOLOLOLLOOLZ. How about no. Even if you take one over it (E^2 still lives, somewhere inside each and every one of us), it's still no. A certain ex-girlfriend of mine has an affinity for these pointless wastes of everyone's time, and every time I read one I have to resist the strong urge to dive off a 7-foot stone ledge into a large frozen pond. Ugh, please guys... I can only read the same set of questions answered so many times (usually about .785 times, actually) before they get old. Very, very old.

In other news

I stumbled across this gem today, and found it amusing: Biblical Curse Generator. It is quite true to its name, producing humorous insults like:
  • I hope you will have more mother-in-laws than King Solomon, thou breaker of the commandments!
  • Take heed, O thou dabbler in abominations, for you will be plagued with gnats, flies and locusts!
  • Behold, thou shalt be kicked by an incontinent camel, O thou denizen of the underworld!
They're not particularly Biblical, but they're certainly more Biblical than, say, "Your mom!" or "You lying sack of potatoe skin wedges!" (Esub1 gets credit for that... long live E^2). I found them amusing at least.

If anyone wants to chip in some money to help Nick buy peterisinsane.com, please do. I told him he should set up his own blog on peterisinsane.com (actually, he suggested the domain name, I can't take credit for that) and that we should slander each other. 'Twould be quite amusing, if you ask me. If you know Nick, nag him about getting a blog, even if it's just a LiveJournal. He's a freaking hilarious kid, and much of what he says is blog-worthy. Those of you who know him would probably agree with me there.

I'd like to say a special thanks to Liz for her comment on my Nick entry. You definitely had me laughing the next morning when I saw it, so thanks Liz =).

I've been denied for two credit cards in the past month or so. Not that I have any sort of credit history or bank account longetivity, so I should have expected to be denied, it's just annoying nonetheless. Chase keeps sending me these "sign up for a credit card!" things, in fact one came the same day as my letter of denial from them. Rawr. I thought credit card companies tried to milk college students for all they're worth, but I guess I'm not yet milkable. Ah well.

Another day, another essay... until next time...
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