Meme: three-word answers

Jul 22, 2008 14:33

Snagged from kradical:

Answer each question in exactly THREE words. It sounds easy, but it's harder than you think!

Where is your cell phone?
One foot away

Your boyfriend/girlfriend husband/wife?
Airborne (no, really!)

Your hair?
Needs a trim

Where is your father?
Home watching TV

With cherries, please

Your dream last night?
Something involving Starman

Your favorite drink?
Cold ginger ale

Your dream car?
An Appaloosa mare

The room you're in?
My sunny office

George Bush?
Insert expletive here

Nipple rings?
Not for me!

Who did you hang out with last night?
B and critters

What you're not good at?
Office politics -- ugh

Your best friend?
Must pick one?

Student loans?
Paid off, baby. :)

Where did you grow up?
New Jersey suburbs

The last thing you did?
Dr. Horrible singalong

What are you wearing?
Red wraparound skirt

Tattoo on the lower back?
I'm tattoo free.

Tasty on fries

Your computer?
Love it dearly

Your life?
Changing course, yay!

Your mood?
Bouncy and sing-y

Warmth in toes

What are you thinking about right now?
Doing more work

Your car?
Parked outside, roasting

Your summer?
Pretty darned good

Your relationship status?
Wuv, twue wuv.

Your favorite color?
Fire engine red

When is the last time you laughed?
An hour ago

Last time you cried?
Horrible act III

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow?
Veni, vidi, vici?

High school?
Been there, done.


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