Jun 12, 2008 16:52
A few years ago I received a candy dish as a Christmas present. Since then I've used it all of never. It's not the candy dish's fault. It's a lovely candy dish. But what on earth do I need a candy dish for?
That being the case, I posted it on my local craigslist for $9 a few weeks ago. Yesterday I finally got a nibble. The potential buyer and I volleyed a few emails to determine when to meet. Then I received this one.
Would you be able to [sic] $7 for the candy dish?
I just stared at the words, astounded. She's dickering over $2? Seriously?
After getting past my initial stubborn reaction of "Hell no! $9 or bust!" I emailed back an okay. I just want it out of the house at this point.
People. I don't get 'em.