Mystery of the ages

May 29, 2008 15:42

First off, let me admit to hyperbole in the subject of this entry. This is hardly the mystery of the ages. (If it is we're all in deep trouble!)

The mystery is why I like some stupid/silly comedy and loathe others. Case in point: Adam Sandler. The one of the fastest ways to get me to not see a movie is to cast Adam Sandler in it. Most of his movies make me roll my eyes and pantomime gagging, like "Waterboy." I suffered through it for my boyfriend's sake. He liked it. I found it predictable and banal. On the other hand, I enjoyed "Anger Management" and "The Wedding Singer." Neither changed my life, but they were entertaining.

Then there's Will Ferrell. He's frikkin' hysterical 99% of the time IMO, and, as evidenced in "Stranger Than Fiction," can act. I nearly wet myself in "Talladega Nights," "Anchorman," and (to a lesser extent) "Blades of Glory."

Other silly/absurd/ridiculous stuff that tickles my funny bone: "Napoleon Dynomite," "Mystery Men," "Nacho Libre" and other Jack Black vehicles ("Heat Vision and Jack!!!"), and Monty Python.

Good lord. I watch a lot of movies.

Anyway. Does anyone have any idea why Adam Sandler-type comedy turns me off, but other equally silly stuff doesn't?


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