I *heart* craigslist.

Mar 30, 2008 22:48

craigslist is da bomb. (Yeah, I know that phrase is no longer cool, but whatever. It applies.) Especially for house stuff. In the past two weeks I've:

  • bought 50 gorgeous granite tiles for $2.50 each. Can you say bathroom wall and kitchen countertops? I can!
  • finally got a nibble for my ad selling the leftover strand-woven bamboo flooring.
  • bought 50 7 ft long red cedar rails for a split-rail fence for my backyard. The price was less than half of what the big box hardware stores charge, and was harvested locally.

The fence rails are going to take more work than my earlier plan of using bamboo poles, but I think it'll be worth it. I'm really happy that they came from a nearby town rather than shipped from China. B helped me pick out a hatchet at Home Depot. Once I buy the fence poles and get them in the ground -- a task I'm not particularly looking forward to -- I'll use the hatchet to taper the ends of the cedar rails so they fit in the slots. Yeah. Lots of work. But muscles, and probably a nice tan!

In other house news, this weekend I finally finished the patio. Goodbye, weed-ridden expanse of marble chips. Hello, 275 bricks laid such that the spaces between are filled with nice, dark topsoil. It's not perfectly level, but I don't really care. Also, I put a trellis at the end adjacent to the driveway and planted a dozen blue morning glory seedlings at its base. It's going to be gorgeous once the flowering vines climb up it. :)

squee, house

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