Help a fangirl out, won't you?

Mar 15, 2008 11:07

A long, long time ago a wonderful TV showed aired: Starman. It lasted one season and still has a cult following. Unfortunately the cult following isn't enough to get Columbia TriStar/Sony to release the series on DVD. At least, not yet.

Enough Amazon customers have shown interest in Starman DVDs to prompt this email, which was forwarded to a Starman listserv:

From: []
Sent: Thursday, 13 March 2008 10:30 PM
Subject: Delivers Television DVDs: Up to 58% Off Classic TV, "Battlestar" Video, New Releases

Each month we get tons of great suggestions for as-yet-unreleased (on DVD) series to add to our TV signup page. This time around, one title got a noticeable groundswell of support: STARMAN featuring Robert "Ted Striker" Hays. Now we'll just have to cross our fingers and hope the studio hears our plea.
You can help by letting Amazon know that you're interested in a Starman DVD release. (Even if you're not, do it for me, okay? Pretty please?) Go to this Amazon page and click on the "Sign up" button in the "Alert Me" box on the right hand side. You're not obligatged in any way to buy the series.

Thanks bunches!

starman, squee

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