They mean well, but...

Feb 07, 2008 15:14

I now work with two well-meaning but technologically challenged people. Since I know that neither is computer saavy I'm sure to spell stuff out in emails. I also try to not give too much detail so they don't drown in technobabble. Yet I continue to fail. Or maybe it's them failing. One of us is.

Here's a synopsis of the latest email exchange between me and one of them.

Technically challenged (TC): Thanks for taking care of [the last web-related thing]. Speaking of that, I'm trying to modify the blog footer using the above URL but cannot (no access?). Can you help with that?

Me: *wonders why TC would try to use that URL to modify a footer*
*triple-checks that TC has full access (*shudder*) to the appropriate files*
*is grateful for nightly backups*
*digs up email sent to TC a month ago explaining how to access said files*
*wonders what TC meant when he said that he has experience maintaining a blog*

Me: You have access to those files. You'll need to find the appropriate ones to modify, do so, and upload them. Here are the instructions I'd sent you earlier.



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