Tip o' the hat leads to geeky blast from the past

Jan 13, 2008 14:11

Warning: I'm high on coffee as I type this. :)

My sci-fi/comedy screenplay features a high tech lab. One of the first names I thought of for it was "Serendip," after the company in the 1988 ABC series "Probe." (Chances are that fewer people watched it than "Starman," but I digress.) I named the lab in my story "Serendip Innovations."

Just for the heck of it I did a quick YouTube search in the hope that someone had digitized and posted their old, old VHS tapes. Someone has! Go forth and geek out. :)

"Heroes" fans, you'll recognize Ashley Crow, who plays Sandra Bennett (HRG's wife), in "Probe" as Micki Castle.

squee, writing

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