General life update

Jan 09, 2008 14:51

The New Year's Eve plague seems to be backing down. Ha! Take that, stupid virus!

Wasabi started sneezing and getting goopy-eyed again on Monday. The vet student who'd initially treated him him suggested taking him to the vet. She suspected feline Chlamydophila, with which the vet agreed. So it's back to oral and topical antibiotics for the fluffy white one. Happily he takes meds like a trooper. :)

Ty, Ouzo, and Wasabi are getting along for the most part. Kitty and dog usually ignore each other. Occasionally one piques the other's curiosity, but never at the same time. There has been mutual sniffing, though. Meanwhile fert and cat have learned to play with gusto. Favorite games include "chase the kitten until kitten hisses and swats with claws," "paw the weasel from on high," "moray Ouzo," and "ferret flying tackle."

In other pet news, Ty was attacked by his bed. The stoic greyhound was pawing his blankets into a more comforable position when he loosed a horrific howl/whine/scream sound. I ran over thinking that he'd sliced his paw in half on a razor blade or something. But there was no sign of blood or anything other than comfy blankets.

B pointed out that one of Ty's hind legs was loosely wrapped in blanket. Ty moved, then screamed some more. Figuring that one of his nails was caught on a thread I hesitated about grabbing his leg. If there's one good way to get bitten, it's frightening an animal who's in pain.

After a few more screams Ty extricated his perfectly healthy paw, did a few doggy circles, and lie down.

No loose threads. No razor blades. Just a flaky greyhound. Sheesh.


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