Dec 23, 2012 14:11
friends list ignore this post
I can’t believe I have to warn people about this, but whatever.
Guys, please don’t donate to anybody on the internet unless A) You know them personally and offline/have somebody who knows them offline B) They offer stuff like commissioning drawings/fanfics in return and have a good reputation C) A charity you have researched thoroughly.
I swear, every day people get ripped off by fake sob stories. Or the person uses the money for ways the donars didn’t intend them to do. I’ve seen this happen often. Loads of people give away hundreds of dollars to others they don’t even know other than a tragedy happened and they’re short on money. It’s one thing to give money to a close friend who’s having a hard time with the promise of paying back and/or they will give you something in return, but throwing money out to internet strangers. lol wut?