( application - splendorocity )

Apr 25, 2011 00:22

Player Information:

Name: Li
Journal: aztec
Method(s) of Contact: AIM: shotgun lovely | Email: shotgunnery@gmail.com | Plurk: sojourney
Previous characters: grimreaping, visibilityzero

Character Information:

Full Name: Starfire (Koriand'r)
Series: Teen Titans (animated)
Canon point: Post movie, Trouble in Tokyo
Age: 15ish
Species: Tamaranean

Appearance/PB: Starfire is a slender girl who is fairly tall for her age. Her appearance has some significant and easily recognizable differences from that of a human, such as her skin having a dark golden tinge, her eyes being bright green (both the irises and a lighter green in the sclera) both of which are taken over by a bright green glow when she's experiencing a strong emotion or her powers are in use. Star has long red hair and two round patches above her eyes (like eyebrows). She typically wears a purple outfit consisting of a short skirt, thigh boots, and a cropped top. These are all topped with silver metal accents and a disk-like collar with a round gemstone in the center (doubles as her Titans alert). She wears similar metal armbands and sleeves. [ IMAGE ]

Appearance upon arrival: Same as above.


Starfire's Wikipedia link and her Teen Titans Wiki entry (beware awful grammar). Please note that since I will be taking her from the TTGO! universe consisting of the animated series + associated comics, there are some significant differences from her classic!comic counterpart.


Starfire is a happy, bubbly young woman who puts the utmost importance upon her friends. She likes to be very engaging and in the case of the rest of the team, acts as the pivot around which the rest of them balance. That's really Starfire's gift: she has the ability to connect with each of her teammates and share in something important to them. For example, she shares the same superhuman strength as Cyborg which would otherwise alienate (no pun intended) them from others, or (post-Switched episode) is able to empathize with Raven as their abilities are both emotionally driven, simply in different ways.

She comes off to many people as childish; her default mood is cheerful and, to those who do not know her well, naive. It's not uncommon to see her singing in the hallways of Titan's Tower, or gleefully explaining the intricacies of an obscure and incomprehensible Tamaranean celebration. She's not beyond the occasional huff when other brush off her passionate feelings towards caring for others. It could be easy to dismiss her as too trusting, and while it's true that she has inadvertently put herself in such situations before (like believing her sister had changed for the better), she is not without the ability to see deception. It's simply that she would rather believe the best of people, regardless of their past actions, until it is proved otherwise.

All these things may set the stage for a pacifist attitude, but that is far from the case. Tamaraneans are a warrior race but also an emotionally charged one; all their abilities from flight to generating the energy powering starbolts, is generated through their emotions. She once describes these emotional requirements to Raven when they had switched bodies as "unbridled joy", "righteous fury" and "boundless confidence" for flight, starbolts, and super strength respectively. The first introduction to Starfire is her escape from a Gordanian slave ship. She's literally screaming in fury and battering down the door, making her captors terrified of her getting free. Once she escaped to Earth, she promptly took out her rage by destroying Jump City until she was stopped by the yet-to-be-formed group of other Titans. She is an excellent fighter and has no qualms being violent when it's in the defense of her friends, innocent people, or the safety of Earth. This is not to say that she enjoys that some things must be solved through fighting, but she's pragmatic enough to realize that it is for the greater good. (Greater good becomes something of a persistent theme for Starfire throughout the series.) So to summarize, she prefers peace and friendship, but she will kick ass when necessary.

From time to time she can be insecure about herself, especially when her alien background causes tension between her culture and that of Earth's. Good examples of this are when she's acutely embarrassed by not understanding slang, like when someone asked if she was "digging the scene" to which she replied, "I was not aware we were supposed to bring shovels". Having people laugh at her makes her feel small and unsure of her place among humans; Starfire's personality is one of needing acceptance. She loves learning and exploring new things, taking on Earth's culture is nothing less than a joyous adventure for her.

Starfire's history plays a huge part in her current personality. Her Tamaranean name is Koriand'r (Starfire is simply a literal English translation of this) and she is the second eldest child of the royal family, making her the second princess. She has always had a tenuous and strained relationships with her elder sister Blackfire (Komand'r), although in flashbacks she's shown to get along extremely well with her younger brother Wildfire. Starfire has always felt overshadowed by her sister's more outgoing and competitive personality, exacerbated by Blackfire's complete ease in using her sister for her own means, such as "negotiating" an exchange with the Gordanians to sell Starfire into their slavery in exchange for peace. When the planet was on the verge of being overtaken, Wildfire was sent away into hiding. That, combined with Blackfire's betrayal and Starfire's capture, caused both her parents to die of grief. Starfire later disowned Blackfire completely after the elder's attempt to use the shapeshifter Madame Rouge to fool her into thinking that Wildfire had returned.

This upbringing has cemented in Starfire an unshakable sense of duty, and this becomes evident in episodes such as Betrothed where she is summoned back to her home planet with the expectation to marry Glgrdsklechhh, she puts aside her happiness and is willing to give up her life on Earth in order to protect Tamaran from the supposed invasion force. However when she realizes that the war is a farce, she challenges Blackfire for the crown of Grand Ruler and eventually defeats her sister. However she abdicates the position to her childhood caretaker, Galfore, stating that while Blackfire was not right for Tamaran, neither was she. It remains unclear if her decision leaves Galfore in the position of acting regent, or if she has completely relinquished any claim to the throne. What is known is that she places a high value on those people who have become her family: the Titans and the people of Earth.

Character Abilities: Most of Starfire's physical abilities are due to her alien physiology and while they may seem extraordinary on Earth, she is not considered particularly remarkable by Tamaranean standards. She has strength far beyond that of a human's, easily capable of lifting vehicles and other weighty objects, and regularly matches Cyborg's strength despite her tiny frame. Internally, she has quite a different from a human as well, with nine stomachs -- which certainly might account for her ability to eat just about anything and her craving for unusual foods, like mustard as a beverage instead of a condiment.

Tamaranean fighting abilities (including flight) are triggered on an emotional level, so any artificial hindrance to her emotional state would limit these abilities as well. She's very agile even without flying, excellent at hand-to-hand combat, however her primary weapon are starbolts, disc-shaped blasts of energy that she generates and hurls with her hands at a rapid pace. After hitting the Tamaranean equivalent of puberty, called Transformation, she is also able to shoot the same green energy directly from her eyes in a more focused and powerful blast, giving her more power.

Possessions: Starfire's only notable possession is her Titans communicator, which won't work in Splendor.

Action/Communication thread/post sample: A dear_mun entry in which Starfire can't figure out why her friends look different!

Log/Prose sample: N/A

!application, @splendorocity

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