You're not so tough.

Jul 14, 2008 16:42

God, what is it with all these furries who, after having stumbled into the furry community, and realized they made a really bad fucked up choice, make it their obligation to fuck it up not only for those of us who are furries, but people like me who are a recovering furry? Particularly the 'grumpy oldschooler with a cynical bastard reputation' type who will do their best to put people with high hopes of getting out of this crappy fandom further below than people who are too lazy to even consider an alternative to furry? You know, because it's dishonest?

And yet, these same people will ignore reality, or worse, FAKE reality, when it serves their purposes. IE engage in horrendous amounts of furry cyber sex. Sex, one of the most beautiful things in the world, grotesquely ruined by furry and made into stick figure quality drawings of foxes and dragons getting it on in bizarre fashions. They have quite a nerve to declare people like ME dishonest.

Yes, I've been dishonest in the past. I've done it purely for the purpose of faking reality, but in knowing that I am actually in the best position to criticize others. You see, I do not claim to be morally pure. I claim to be moral, in the rational sense, but the absence of a completely rational past is not a claim on the possibility of future morality. Anybody who thinks so is granting evil far more power than good, and is automatically in the defeatist camp.

To make this post like a round trip in philosophy, might I mention that defeatism is the entire philosophy of those cynical bastards. Their view on the world is "good doesn't exist, only evil does", or, the more watered down version, "both good and evil exist but evil tends to win over good." which means in THEORY there's good and evil but in PRACTICE there is no good, only evil.

So we see another example of contradicting the contradiction as a form of logic. The first contradiction being furry, and that which contradicts furry being those furry 'oldschoolers'. It simply doesn't work, and the only way you are going to not be a furry is to NOT BE ONE, not to just drag others who don't want to be one into the MUCK and attempt to blur the distinction between furry and non-furry.

furry, logic
