[music| Walküre - 迦夜]
Note: Practicing for French class X3
Le week-end dernier était carrément chouette, impec, parfait! Je suis accro à Kaya vraiment, hoho (^ε^) Ça vaut foutrement le coup, mon dieu! Je vais tomber dans les pommes (≧▽≦)
Veuillez trouver mes photos d'AnimeUSA 2009 ci-dessous :)
Avant que je suis allée aux États-Unis:
Génial, n'est-ce pas? :3 Je les aime! USD30 seulement ^_^b
Aux Étas-Unis, avec mon «patron», pendant que nous marchions vers l'hôtel Hyatt à Crystal City:
Dans l'hôtel. Je restais dans la chambre 456
Notre table. Volunteer ops yey
Voulez-vous des bonbons? ( ´艸`)
Joker et Harley Quinn
Hamtaro and Pikachu!
Jessica Rabbit!!
Je n'ai aucune idée qu'ils sont (^^ゞ
Oohlala XD
Getting strangled and loving it, LOL
Belle et Card Captor Sakura!
DJ SiSen cosplays!
Kaya Chocolat cosplay!! Très mignon!
azure_love avec Élan ♥
Elle avec les garçons: Fullmetal Alchemist vs Lolita vs Ghostbuster!
Dans le «Dealers' Room» après que j'ai acheté quelques choses de Kaya, je rencontrerais avec
krazeelegal et ces deux belles personnes XD Ils sont formidable! m(_ _)m
Okay, I am quitting the French now because I'm too sleepy 8D
Chie again ♥
In the Friday autograph line. They're so pretty ☆彡
*le gasp* Mana and Kaya! ヽ(゜▽ ゜)ノ
Versailles cosplay trio! They are amazing! *worships*
Chie, avec
krazeelegal et sa soeur
Juan and Kylie. we rode the shuttle to the Metro together and they helped me ride the Metro <333
I'mma pimp
Juan's paintings. Yes, that's a Mana painting he did. Awesome, y/y? XD
The pamphlet
The stuff that made my money go POOF: Kaya's tapestry, pink fan, and Ouka poster (signed!)
Autographed again by Kaya and his dancers о(ж>▽<)y ☆ Every time I remember the dancers- especially Yui- flailing, I go ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
Ces étaient mes cadeaux pour Kaya et ses danseurs (・ω・)/
I put them in this box I found in one of our "treasure" closets :3
Seashell earrings for Ayano and Kitty, carved wooden charms for Ryoshin, Hiroyuki, and Yui, crushed shell necklace for Gally, and (I forgot what kind of stones these were >_<) bracelets for Lil Grand-Bitch and Veronica (^ε^)♪
These were for Kaya ♥ ★ ♥ ★ ♥
The only thing native in this set was the woven rattan coin purse XD The last picture has another necklace made of glass filled with red oil (teardrop-shaped) with Kamijo's and his name written on the pasta inside, hah hah hah (`∀´)
Here's mine (made way back in 2002, see the cap's already discolored >_<;;)
And I know I've already gloated enough, but...
HE WORE THE BRACELET!!! And even had an act for it
as per Chie! ♥
I didn't get to see it because two tall guys were in front of me that time but OMG I feel so touched and honored that he liked it that much to wear it onstage ;___;
Also gave them some native candies, haha.
PS: All Kaya's pictures are from
this site ^_^
Yeah, happy. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY *dies from too much glee* Je serai toujours heureuse! Quel bonheur!!
You can find my report
here ^^
PS: Yey for I did not get lost in the US!