Title: From Pros to Poem
Author: StarbearerTM
Genre: Poetry, Original
Word count: 113
A/N: Can't seem to write anything but this
The writer’s block from hell is what I have today
The words are all jumbled inside
Nothing wants to come out anyway
I stare at a blank screen wanting to fill it
Yet when I sit down to type, I hesitate
Any mood that arises I somehow kill it.
Words of prose elude me both fan fiction and original.
But typing up a poem, something I
Don’t always do, I can let spill.
No original voices speak to me, only fanfic
Yet pressures dictate that is what I should write
But in my judgment that’s not pathetic.
To have lost the word of pros like this.
The strange reversal of fortune is ironic.
This entry was originally posted at
http://starbearertm.dreamwidth.org/72798.html . This entry has