(no subject)

Nov 03, 2005 00:38

[Name] Relina
[Age] 19
[Sex] femail
[School] Gwinnett tech
[State] GA
[Exact Location] Snellville,Ga

[Current Date] Nov. 2, 2005
[Current Time] 12:28 a.m
[Current Clothes] Ren and stimpy t shirt green jogging pants
[Weather] Cold
[Hair Do] Strait ponytail.
[Footware] bare
[Mood] bored!
[Talking To] no one
[Sounds] TV

[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y]

[Cups On Desk] 1
[Pets] 1
[Siblings] 2
[Crushes] 1
[Cousins] ??? lots???
[Aunts] Lots???
[Uncles] //

[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y] [t][i][m][e][s] [p][e][r] [d][a] [y] [d][o] [y][o][u]
[Change Clothes] 1 or 2
[Shower] 1
[Brush Your Teeth] 1
[Wash Your Face] 1
[Brush Your Hair] hardly ever
[Eat] too much
[Say the Word "ok"] No
[Yell at Your Siblings] hardly ever.
[Slam Doors] not on purpose


[Nicest] all of them!
[Coldest] none
[Smartest] danielle
[Tallest] Danielle
[Shortest] Paige or Dana dunno..
[Most Fashionable] Ummm...Me Jk paige
[Smells Best] ???
[Weirdest Conversations] DANA lol Narnia
[Deepest Conversations] Dannie
[Best Liar] uhhh...
[Hottest] psh.. every single one of them!.
[Most Annoying] ummm.. you know. ;)
[Best] oh god, all of them
[Most Organized] danielle
[Least Organized] me.
[Always Late] me
[Always Early] ???
[Always On Time] ???

[h][a][b][i][t][s] [(do you)]
[Bite Your Nails] uh huh
[Stress] yesssssss.
[Take out Your Issues On Others] nope
[Self Injure- (ex: cut, burn, pull hair)] used to
[Flirt Too Much] hahahhaah,yeah mostly online.
[Have an Eating Disorder] nah.
[Tend to Judge People] not normally
[Any Other Habbits?] Daydreaming

[f][o][r] [a] [m][i][l][l][i][o][n] [b][u][c][k][s] [(would you)]
[Name Your Kid Dammit] haha that would be funny if the brother had to call on him in the watchttower study,lol.
[Strip For Your Classmates] No
[Shave Your head] no! i love my hair.
[Wax Off Your Eyebrows] sure, they grow back quickly and there is always eye brow pencil that could be drawn in
[Wax An Old man's Back] uhhhh sure
[Sit In a Cage With 4 Hungry Wolves] nooo.
[Eat A Snake] cooked, yes.
[Make Out With Your Best Friends Boyfriend] sure, only if i had permission and if i had a bit to drink.
[Swim With The Jelly Fish] depending on the type.
[Make Out With Your Teacher]hahaha. for a million, yup!
[Strip At a School Pep Assembly] probably not.
[Stand up In Class And Flip Your Teacher The Bird] if they didn't see.. i'm too nice

[a][l][m][o][s][t] [o][v][e][r]
[Why Did You Take This Survey] bored
[What's The Time Now] 12:37 a.m
[What Are You Doing After This] Sleep.
[Bye!] à bientot!
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