OOC: I have changed Mouse from an NPC to a PC. Please keep this change in mind if you have need for Mouse when playing in the community. Thanks.
IC: Mouse had selected a table in the upper level that was against the wall and gave a clear view of all the important things, the rest of the upper level, the stairs with which to access the upper level
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Both Storviks have identical scars... Storvik even has a scar on his abdomen from a sehlat attack that looks exactly like Evil Storvik's c-section scar. (Both of those scars were obtained in emergency conditions, when primitive medical instruments were all that were available, which is why they even have scars.) As for tattoos - if they had any (and Seth/Khan made a joke once about Storvik having tattoos, because I have a couple) then they would most likely be identical as well. So far, facial hair or lack thereof (and the insignia on their uniforms) is the only way to tell them apart… and those have been subject to change in the past. There have been times when Evil Storvik has shaved his face, or Storvik has stopped shaving for a while; and they've also changed clothing from time to time as well (and Evil Storvik isn't wearing any in the gay sex video). The inability to easily tell them apart has been a major plot point on more than one occasion.3.
T'Vit is currently planning to keep the recording secret for her own purposes. She'll hold it over Evil Storvik; but she won't tell anyone one else (not even her husband) that the recording exists. She has no idea that anyone else got even a partial copy. (Eventually, at some point in the indistinct future, T'Vit's copy might leak out somehow - but she won't be showing (or selling) it to Diziara or anyone else in the near future.
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